Metal Hall Of Fame Adds New Web Content
The Metal Hall Of Fame has announces that Rich Catino (contributor at BraveWords), and Jack Mangan (of Metal Asylum and the “Am I Evil” Diamond Head graphic novel), are joining The Metal Hall Of Fame team. Both will assist in bringing exciting new content to their website and Facebook pages. This includes constantly updated news features from the entire realm of hard rock and heavy metal music, along with their ever relevant sub-genres.
The new content will consist of exclusive interviews with your favourite bands and artists, updates from Metal Hall Of Fame inductees, info on the latest music industry projects from major music industry execs, spotlights on great albums and songs, and other special features and segments that only the Metal Hall Of Fame can bring you.
“We are proud to have Rich Catino and Jack Mangan as part of the Metal Hall Of Fame Team,” says Metal Hall Of Fame President/CEO Pat Gesualdo. We are excited to have them contribute this exciting new content to provide hard rock and heavy metal fans with the latest news, exclusive interviews, and other special content via our website and Facebook page.”
“With almost twenty years as a journalist to support the music I love, being asked to be part of the Metal Hall Of Fame team is an honour, and a great responsibility to the bands and fans,” says Rich Catino.
“I’ve been an author, podcaster, essayist, interviewer, journalist, and comic relief for most of this century, and a defender of the Metal Faith for most of my life. I’m honored and excited to make a meaningful contribution to Metal culture and history as part of the revered Metal Hall Of Fame. Heavy Metal is the law!!” says Jack Mangan.