The New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal: Pt.1
Striker, Enforcer, Night Demon
Keeping up with new music, the Metal Today section of the Metal Hall will keep readers informed on all the great new bands and music in heavy metal and hard rock from the present, and past ten or so years.
By: Rich Catino
Sweden’s Enforcer are one of the first from the now old, first New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal, releasing their debut album “Into The Night” in 2008. Fifth studio album, “Zenith” from 2019, stays true to their strengths using elements from old school metal genres mixing 80s riffs and twin guitars, mid tempo to faster songs, lots of melody in the leads and vocals. Part Maiden, Priest, Dio, part early Dokken and Ratt, with doses of speed metal from Exciter. New live album from 2021, “Live By Fire II” captures the band in Mexico City playing to fans who know the songs so well they even sing the melody and chorus to ‘From Beyond’. Check out the video clip here:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/enforcerofficial
Support the band here: https://enforcer.bandcamp.com/

From Edmonton, Canada, 2020 Juno Award winners for the latest album “Play To Win”, Striker released their debut album “Eyes Of The Night” in 2010. Like several of their peers the beginnings of t
heir music on the first two albums in the spirit of 80s speed metal but Striker taking the most technical path from the likes of Vicious Rumors, doses of Racer X and Impellitteri level shredding. By the third album, “City of Gold” in 2014, the five piece working in more melody and variety with the two guitars and chorus’, and 80s type hard rock songs. See ‘The Front’ (Live In The Studio 2020) : https://youtu.be/jQVG93uM7A0 . They also made the best of being home during the pandemic in 2020 and released a fun cover of Lizzy Borden’s hit ‘Me Against The World’.
‘Heart Of Lies’ (Official Lyric Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEdpYh-EkrI
Support the band here: https://www.striker-metal.com/
California based three piece Night Demon have two full length, an ep, one live album, and several singles since 2010. Who do I hear in the music?, Raven, Motorhead, Grim Reaper, and with only one guitarist the music even recaptures the spirit of the first two Iron Maiden albums. Latest single ‘Vysteria’ was released in 2020, here is the official video:
https://youtu.be/Vlfe92gdcs0 . The band also take part in podcasts where they talk about their music and history. https://nightdemon.net/podcast . They are working on new music and have several shows already scheduled for 2022. Follow them at their Facebook page where members are regularly active https://www.facebook.com/nightdemonband .